Five Minute Friday ~ Absence

Hey friends, I've missed you. I wrote the post below, Septemberish last year but my fingers couldn't quite find there way to the publish button. There's been a few like that. But if 2024 is about anything for me, its about less holding back, and saying yes more often and just giving things a chance to grow..  Sound alright ? Five Minute Friday = Prompt word, five minutes, just write. No over thinking, no over complicating. This weeks prompt word: ABSENCE

Five Minute Friday ~ How

How do we move forward when things are such an awful sorry mess. How do we heal, how do we do better? On a human race level On a down and dirty, right here at home where we feel it most level with the people we love the most. Where relationships are hard and love is harder. And despite our love we can still get it wrong.

Five Minute Friday ~ Lack

Oh don't get me started on that one - you'll never shut me up.

I could wax long and loud and lyrical about what I think I haven't got and what I haven't done and what I don't have in terms of smarts and looks and get up and go and how I nearly always feel about 20 steps behind everyone else in the whole wide world.

But where would that get me in the end. What would that achieve except to bring us right back to where we are right now.
And friend I say that's as good a place as any to start.

Five Minute Friday – WITH and BETTER

And with this last Christmas I was reminded all over again that being with the people I love wins out hands down without question over having everything go to plan OR ticking all the boxes on our "this is what we do at Christmas" list OR having the house all spruced and Christmas ready. Of course it's lovely when things do go to plan, when the food turns out how it's meant, when the house shines as I like it to and guests and or children, take your pick, behave the way they should. Lovely yes - but not essential to joy shared and thanks given and a good time being had. Not even nearly.