The Friday Recliner ~ April 22nd

The Friday Recliner

Hi fam, welcome. 

I hope you had a beautiful Easter long weekend. How did you spend it?

With last Monday off, Friday kind of snuck up on me this week, (as in I kept thinking it was Thursday). No complaints though and here in Oz we have another day off Monday when we commemorate  Anzac Day  – always a very moving mix of sorrow, pride and gratitude that’s a privilege to take time for.

This week as always friends I hope these few words and reads will be fresh air and kind company as you enjoy your weekend

A Good Word

Confused, discouraged, shocked,  anxious, unsure, disappointed, fearful  ? – – –

Rest in the waiting…in all the feelings.
Rest and let Him work.
Rest and trust His plan.
Rest and let Him

Shireen Eldridge

A Good Look

I’m itching for an outdoor fire. Anyone else ? 

A Good Idea

from Sarah Westfall

Start Small, Go Slowly, Dig Deeper. 

Once a week—that’s the commitment and the permission I’ve given myself.

Once a week, I will connect with a friend. That’s it. That’s the guideline.

Some weeks, that might look like meeting up for chicken salad sandwiches and lemonade, while other weeks it might be a handwritten note.

But in this season, once a week both honors my capacity and nudges me not to stay in my self-sufficient cocoon.

It allows me to start small, go slowly, and dig deeper—choosing the way of depth over breadth—because

Connection is not a race its an invitation.

What does community and connection look like for you right now?

A Few Good Reads

From Cup of Jo

12 Readers Share Favorite Parts of Their Homes

What is your favorite part of your home? A trusty toaster? A framed photo? A nooky nook? The other day, I posed this question on Instagram, and we got more than a hundred replies. It’s hard not to share everyone’s (they’re all so good!), but here are 12 examples…

“My father helped me build a traditional ofuro (soaking tub), and the smell of cedar transports me back to Japan.” — Erika, upstate New York

“I rescue cats, and this is where I hang out with them. I live on a teeny tiny island in the Middle East, and we love our homes. We decorate every inch of them, have guests over on weekends, and of course drink tea. I adore the sun streaming in through the window as the cats lounge around sunbathing. — Anceeta, Bahrain

Keep reading and see the pics that go with


The pandemic has turned me into a grumpy person. So I tried a gratitude journal for 30 days.

I won’t lie, lately, I’ve been grumpy.

I’m sure I’m not the only one who has been feeling this way. We are, after all, encroaching on year three of the pandemic, climate change is causing widespread chaos across Australia, and we are being bombarded daily with the devastation and brutality of what is happening in the Ukraine. It’s no wonder that we’re all starting to feel a little, well, concerned.

And, if you’re me, grumpy.

But it reaches a tipping point, this constant living under a thundercloud. Mine was coffee. Or to be more specific, mine was not coffee, because the issue was a lack of it at my office. My response?

“Oh my god, everything absolutely SUCKS!”

And then, a realisation – I was getting disproportionally upset about coffee (of all things) because I was already accumulating a list of things to feel bad about in my mind, and the coffee fiasco had flipped me over the edge.

I decided I needed to do something.

I’m not really a self-care, self-help book kind of person. But I wanted something that would force me to look at my own life through a different lens – – –   Keep reading

From Apartment Therapy

We Have Family Cleanup Time Every Single Evening — Here’s Why

On any given day, my house — home to seven humans and one large and lively dog — is somewhere on the spectrum between laundry-and-toy-cyclone and lived-in-but- presentable. And I’ve come to accept imperfection (really), but that doesn’t mean I don’t want to keep my home in reasonable order (I do!).

Over the years, I’ve learned that one simple, consistent habit is key to achieving this goal: having a finite family cleanup time every evening. It sounds almost too straightforward, but it really works for me and my family. Here’s why:   keep reading

To Finish

In honour of Anzac Day, a must watch  The Art Of Remembrance  from ABC iview

That’s all for now friends. Have a beautiful weekend. Rest up. Do something you love xx

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