Five Minute Friday – Support

Five Minute Friday  = prompt word, five minutes, just write. No overthinking, no over editing.

This weeks prompt word SUPPORT


Support looks like different things on different days

This past couple of weeks  its looked like my lovely neighbour giving my family free access  to  her downstairs toilet – – – – – .

I”ll fill you in.

Three weeks ago we bought a new toilet.

Two  weeks ago the old toilet was removed.

Two days  ago the new toilet went in.

I’ll let you work out the difference.

With old toilet gone and  new  toilet sitting in the middle of my laundry  in the way and completely useless  – we were  in what you might call a little bit of a pickle.

Ten minutes though before my neighbours left on holidays for two weeks I had a brain wave and ran next door to see if they could help out. Now these are the kind of neighbours that make you think twice about ever moving house, like grand parents to my children, they have been incredibly generous and kind over the years with their door always open. But I still felt like this was quite an ask. Being the people they are though they handed over the keys to their downstairs granny flat for us to use at will for as long as we needed without a second thought. Now that’s support of the life saving kind.

Support is generosity and kindness and unconditional love and having your back and undeserved grace all rolled into one. And what would we do without people like that in our lives.

The support of a good friend is something I’ve thought a lot on this week

My best friend is away on a cruise at the moment,  totally off grid and I’ve been counting the days down till she’s back. Not that we talk everyday but knowing she’s there not too far away, always ready for a talk or to head off for a quick coffee is something I rely on a lot. She is as generous and good and supportive and hilarious as you would ever hope a friend to be and  I’m missing her big time.


This as well.  I’m happiest when I talk to my sister on the phone a couple of times a week. As sisters do, we kind of know each other in and out and the last couple of weeks for a number of  reasons – a dodgy iPhone with a mind of its own, early starts at work, busy afternoons  – who knows what else –  our phone catch ups have been few and far between and on the inside it feels like I’m missing out on something really important and grounding and calming.

All of it has been a  good wake up call.

A reminder that I’m a person thats supported at every turn by the very best and dearest of people. Those mentioned and others. In real life and online too.

Thats no small thing.

Thats a blessed life.

So I’m off to ring my sister and I never imagined a toilet could look so beautiful.



12 thoughts on “Five Minute Friday – Support

  1. You made me smile all the way through. You’ve got awesome neighbors.

    “Support is generosity and kindness and unconditional love and having your back and undeserved grace all rolled into one.” Yes, yes, yes. So well said.

    And when I think about it, I’m blessed with many supporters.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Those phone calls are so important to me as well. I always have a little stash of things in my head to tell you. I know when I talk about stuff going on that you understand better than anyone on earth does. When I ask you to pray I know you will. How splendid to have you for my sister and friend.

    Liked by 1 person

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