The Friday Recliner ~ May 6th

Hey fam, how are you ? Not a public holiday  in sight this week so it was a full weeks work for me but somehow it flew by anyway. Glad this morning though for the gorgeous sun streaming in,  plentiful coffee, hot water for a longish shower (if I get in before the kids) and a chance to eat lunch outdoors. Your turn. What are you looking forward to today? As always I hope these few words and reads  will be fresh air and kind company as you enjoy your  weekend - - -

The Friday Recliner ~ April 22nd

Hi fam,  welcome.  I hope you had a beautiful Easter long weekend. How did you spend it? With last Monday off, Friday kind of snuck up on me this week (as in I kept thinking it was Thursday). No complaints though and here in Oz we have another on Monday when we commemorate  Anzac Day  - always a very moving mix of sorrow, pride and gratitude.  This week as always friends I hope these few words and reads will be fresh air and kind company as you enjoy your weekend

The Friday Recliner ~ April 8th

Hey friends, How are you? I hope the week has been kind to you. After just getting used to the idea of leaving the house for work everyday, it was work from home again this week due to close contact and my personal grooming went out the window just like that. Back to being a grown up next week but right now I'm three coffees, a vanilla slice and two scrabble games into the my weekend. As always and better late than never this week I hope these few words and reads will be fresh air and kind company to you and if you enjoy The Friday Recliner would you be so kind as to forward it to a friend you think would enjoy it too? 

The Friday Recliner ~ April 1st

Hey friends. How are you? Happy to be back after giving myself a hall pass last week. Last Friday with my second full week of getting up and taking myself to work for 8 hours everyday in the bag,  I celebrated by stopping at TK Maxx on the way home for a sweet smelling candle and started the weekend by going to bed early.  So April hey, any plans? Mine is to give the house a good airing out once this relentless rain gives up. Its got that damp closed up too long, mustiness about it - hence the candle - and its crying out for a good dose of fresh air and sunshine. I think maybe we all are! As always friends I hope these few words and reads will be fresh air and kind company to you as you head into the weekend- - -

The Friday Recliner ~ March 11th

Hey friends How are you? I hope the week has been kind to you. I started a new job half way through this week and the nervous excitement building up to it has left me a little on the weary side this weekend. Leaving a job I really loved, I thought I was going to be sad but in the end it was sheer relief knowing I'd given it my all.  So I left happy and ready for this new challenge. Still don't know what I'm doing yet, still scary, but early days and wonderful to have some good people cheering me on. As always friends I hope these few words and reads will be fresh air and kind company as you head into your weekend and  if you enjoy The Friday Recliner would you be so kind as to forward it to a friend you think would enjoy it too? 

The Friday Recliner ~ March 4th

Hey friends Hope this finds you doing well Today after two weeks of solid rain, like a beacon of hope the clouds parted and some sun shone through. All I can think is let it be so in others parts of Australia, overwhelmed by floodwaters and facing the aftermath of it. This verse kept coming to mind this week  “We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed” (2 Corinthians 4;8-9) Let it be so for all those  facing impossible things around the world today. As always friends I hope these few words and reads will be fresh air and kind company as you head into your weekend - - -