Five Minute Friday – Create

Five Minute Friday  early on a Monday morning while the house is still asleep.

Prompt word, five minutes, just write.

This weeks word.




‘I was once asked: “How do you know you are living?” and I said, “I create, so I know I am living.”‘ – Florence Broadhurst

We create to make a mark, to express ourselves, to show up, because we can’t not.

We create by an act of our will, with just the tiniest slither of an idea, with only a  pinpoint of a thought, by sheer determination, straight out of thin air sometimes.

Creating doesn’t rely on ideal conditions or a perfect plan, it doesn’t require  flashes of brilliance or strokes of genius or even mind boggling talent – – – – thank God because where would that leave most of us. That would be my creating done and dusted right there. That’s me packed up and gone home before I’ve written a word, or taken a photo or arranged one room.

Creating doesn’t start with any of those things.

It starts with starting.

The first stroke of the brush, the first sweep of the broom, the first line of the story, the first stem in the vase, the first sketch in the note pad, the first phone call or conversation.

And when you start more comes – – – –

More ideas, more insight, more understanding, more clarity, more know how – – – –

More than what we thought.

I see it time and time again, you start with what you have, doubts, misgiving, second guessing and all, throw yourself at it and somewhere along the line it takes on a shape and form and a  life that you couldn’t imagine when you began. Hoped for maybe. I call it the God breathed part, more than what I could do, so much more than the sum of its simple and fumbling parts.

It starts with starting.

Start now. Start where you are. Start with fear. Start with pain. Start with doubt. Start with shaking hands. Start voice trembling but start. Start and don’t stop. Start where you are, with what you have . Just – – – start. @myinspiredmind

Creating is risk though. Multiple risk. We risk it not turning out the way we think it will. We risk failure, we risk criticism, we risk it not being as fabulous or as amazing  as we want it to be, we risk an indifferent audience, we risk losing control, we risk it not contributing anything, we risk being misunderstood – – – – – its all a risk but the other option is to not create a thing and in that we create a poorer life.

Creating  is part of our living, part of our being human. To make something out of nothing, out of the dust of this life, we feel more connected , more alive, we feel His breath, its worth the risk.

Love to you all today

Tracey xx

14 thoughts on “Five Minute Friday – Create

  1. Great, Trace. Making a start. I find that so difficult. I’m such a procrastinator. I drive my husband crazy, he gets really frustrated with me! I constantly drag stuff out and he wants it finished by yesterday, let alone making a start!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes Jen I get it – me too. Why do you think quotes like that grab me so much. Its all the excuses we come up with not to start but the payoff – worth it. Thanks for your encouragement Jen – means a lot x


  2. Thank you. I don’t seem to have trouble getting started, but finishing is a struggle. Or having too many things on the go at one time. What I have learned about myself is I got to be making something.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Good point Jen – yes there a lot to be said for finishing, we can get 99% there and those finishing bits get left. Well insert the word finish into that quote in the middle of the post and go for it – ust finish !! Me too – have to be making something – we wouldn’t have it any other way. Thanks for reading Jen xxxx


  3. Gracious I have so many thoughts on this… and I love that quote at the beginning– I do truly feel the most alive when I am about the business of creating something— and I’m realizing maybe it’s because when I’m creating something I am operating so closely in step with the image of our great creator…. This week I’m wrapping my mind around Vacation Bible School sets at church and turning the sanctuary into a deep sea discovery adventure. I have always loved to create almost anything- crafts, painting, sewing, decorating and now writing and the blog… I’m struggling though in a 9 to 5 where creative opportunities are zilch. It’s merely regurgitating information and I feel like I’m drowning. Your post reminds me not to be overwhelmed but to take just a little time each day to just create — just one small thing… God will multiply our efforts. xo Thanks girl ♥

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    1. Yes I love that quote too Heather- kind of sums it all up doesn’t it. WOW!! a deep sea discovery adventure – thats some project. Go you!! I’ll confess that would possibly have been backing out of the room quietly while no ones looking and volunteering to serve the cups of tea!! Please share a pic when your done. I know as you have stepped up to the plate to do this that there will be grace and God breathed amazing ideas and unexpected help and last minute supply. Awesome! Interesting that you mention the 9-5 job. Im just starting a job this week after many years of not working full time which has me good and scared not because of the work but because of what it will do to the rest of my life – mainly lack of time for creativeness, writing, staring out the window etc and I had come to that conclusion that I will just have to do my creating in smaller increments – 20 minute slots maybe!! Just one little thing like you say. When you know how your wired you can make adjustments accordingly but it will be a transition. My biggest fear with having to go back to work was having to do a straight admin job that sucked the life right out of me.This one has a fair bit of people involvement so that may be the saving grace there I hope!! Anyway lets be praying for each other. Apologies for the essay Heather – would be much easier if we could go for a coffee and have a good long talk. God bless my friend xx

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      1. I love a good essay, I mean reply : ) YES we should pray for each other! ♥ xoxo And we shall see how the sea turns out… You cracked me up with your response to stick to serving tea!! LOL! And yes I had to take an hour for myself this morning before the 9 to 5 (thank goodness I had the flexibility to be late) just to breathe, pray and stare out the window! I understand your fears completely… maybe we should become email pals challenging each other to do that one creative thing just for a few minutes each day that breathes life back into us? Pondering that one… Lifting you up in prayer though dear Tracey! ♥♥ Blessings on the new job dear! Anxious to hear more about it!

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      2. Thank you so much Heather – appreciate your prayer. Writing this just before I dash out the door with butterflies inside and kinda sweaty hands !!. I wrote a bit about it in todays Women Connect email. Trusting God!! Email friends mmm sounds good – like having virtual coffee n a chat – will ponder as well. So glad you got a little bit of time in for yourself – makes a world of difference I know. Will keep you posted on it all. God bless xx

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  4. As a recovering perfectionist, I struggle with starting. I struggle with doubts, misgivings, and second-guessing too.
    But the more I release my fears to God (and get out of the way), I can produce something lovely out of the dust of my life.
    Enjoyed this, Tracey.
    I hope you have a wonderful day. 🌻


    1. Hi Gleniece – what a good point you make – yes it takes trust, letting your fears go or lets say not letting them have the deciding vote and just being willing to let God have His way regardless of the outcome. Always appreciate your lovely comments. God Bless x

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    1. Thanks for coming by Annette – I guess the challenge is to create from our heart because its what we love to do regardless of affirmation or lack of it as often happen. Its one I’m still learning. Off to read your FMF post.


  5. You are right when you said, “It starts with starting”. The most difficult phase is the starting phase. But we can’t achieve anything if don’t start something. So, we better start now.


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